Thursday, 15 September 2011

London's Calling!

London's Calling

Whilst I'm looking for work. I thought it about time that I start doing something with all the stories that I have rolling about, inside my dusty grey matter! So, I thought I'd knock up some movie/book cover type poster's from one of these stories. This piece is from an idea I had about my dog, Kai. My dog is the biggest jessy in the world, you name it, and he's scared of it! (parked motorbikes, wheelie bins, the wind, the list goes on!)
Anyhow, watching him sleep, I thought up the idea that when he's in Dreamland, he imagines himself as this swash buckling hero, who works for the British government. In these stories Kai is as sharp as a cutlass and as brave as a bear and as for (the wind) he'd gladly piss into it, whilst laughing!

(I have too much time on my hands don't I) The whole premise of this idea is always changing, but this is a concept poster from one of his adventures. London's Calling is based around this premise:

London's crime is at an all time high, with men and resources stretched to cover the ongoing war with the French. Politicians rally together to form a solution. In steps the Russian inventor, Knocka Creatapopov. He let's the fat cat politicians believe that his new invention "The Bobbie" will revolutionise London's street's. No longer will crime rule over London and more importantly, no longer will the Queen's purse be tainted with wages from any police officer. "The Bobbie" will work 24hr's a day 7days a week. With money in there pockets and reassurance at there heart Knocka Creatapopov get's the green light to mass produce The Bobbie. The first few machines impress, and it's not long before London's underworld recedes back into it's murky recesses. Everything, for the London and it's greedy politicians is going to plan. Until, on the production of the 100th Bobbie, Creatapopov's real plan comes into fruition. With the street's clear and the police all but gone, Creatapopov reset's the programming of the Bobbie's. London is now gripped from within by a mad Russian and his hundred strong, robot army!

A letter is sent to Mr Kai, it reads... London's Calling

(think I'll do another poster with the protagonist's in it soon, just to round it up)

(re-worked version: softer highs, and a slightly less impacting sea)


George Bletsis said...

Wow, great update Lee! I like the concept, and the poster is looking really filmic right now.
Maybe soften or even blur the water at the bottom of the image? It attracts my eye too much because of the sharp lines. Also a stronger rim light from the robot on the central characters would up their contrast and really draw your eye to them :)
Keep sharing mate, love the updates ;)

Lee Stevenson said...

Nice one George really appreciate that and your spot with your crit, those thing's defiantly need addressing.

Adam Williams said...

This is fantastic! such a strong image, the characters have so much attitude. theres plenty going on in the background aswell. this is probably my favourite piece of yours so far, way to step up ;P if i was to crit my first point is with george, the waves draw your attention too much. i would have originally said make them more fluid...but i think i like them being sharp it suits the rest of the image ' in soviet russia 'waves' are 'salutes!' kind of thing. maybe take away the sharp highlights. only other thing is i would probably lighten the buildings furthest back. a light haze would seperate and add more depth. cheers lee. stunning as always

Lee Stevenson said...

Thanks Ad, when I finish the few thing's I have on the go at the minute. I'll box this image off. Thanks for the kind words!